Overview, Requirements & Configuration What software is necessary to use NotesSQL? Three main pieces of software are necessary: • The calling application that will use NotesSQL to interact with data on your Domino server • The NotesSQL driver itself (see below for details on which version to use) • Either an IBM Notes client or an IBM Domino server, installed locally to the calling application and driver. This is necessary for NotesSQL to make the connection. See below for information on whether to install a Notes client or a Domino server. Choosing your version of NotesSQL NotesSQL is intended for use with any supported version of Notes or Domino, although generally you will have best results by picking a version of NotesSQL that is closest to your Notes/Domino environment.
The primary concern is the operating system of the machine running NotesSQL release. Operating System Support Matrix.
Troubleshooting Common Error Messages & Issues Q1. You installed NotesSQL but it does not appear in the list of drivers in the ODBC Manager. This most often occurs because 32-bit NotesSQL was installed on a 64-bit Windows operating system. While this is perfectly viable and supported, note that a 32-bit driver will not appear in the default ODBC Manager found under Control Panel -> Administrative Tools.
You will need to configure a System data source in the 32-bit ODBC Manager, which you can find C: Windows SysWOW64 odbcad32.exe Your 32-bit application will automatically use data sources from the 32-bit ODBC Manager; no further steps are necessary to make it “see” the data source. Error: Driver Not Capable: This can occur when there is an ODBC Compliance discrepancy. NotesSQL 8.5.1 and later meet most of the criteria for ODBC 3.5 compliance, but not all. Many applications will sense the ODBC Compliance of the driver they use, and will send requests to match. In some cases, they will attempt an ODBC 3.5 request over NotesSQL 8.5.1 or later, and throw a “Driver Not Capable” error. If this happens, installing and using NotesSQL 8.0 instead will usually resolve the issue.
NotesSQL 8.0 is fully ODBC 2.0 compliant, so there is no discrepancy when an application automatically detects and uses ODBC 2.0 requests. 'Set up routines for Lotus Notes SQL driver *.nsf ODBC driver could not be loaded due to system error code 126.' This error almost universally indicates a problem finding your local Notes client or Domino server that NotesSQL must use to make the connection.
One of the following conditions is likely true. • You do not have a locally installed Notes client or Domino server, • Your system's Path= statement does not contain the path to the Notes or Domino program directory, specifically the directory that contains notes.ini, • Your system's Path= statement contains an incorrect or obsolete path to such a directory, or • NotesSQL is finding the wrong notes.ini file.
Moved Permanently. The document has moved here. Jun 29, 2012 Due to compatiability issue I have to run Windows 7 on my machine. I use kview which communicates to my Domino server via ODBC. I have managed to install the ODBC links. It is when I get to use them that I get the problem - with the following e message: SQL Error:Specified driver could not be.
Kodi oshibok bmv h5 e70 form. It searches through the paths in the Path= statement in the order they appear, and it attempts to use the first notes.ini it finds. If that example is empty, obsolete or incorrect, it will cause this error.
To correct this issue once you've ensured you have the prerequisite software installed, you must follow step 1 given in the 'What other configurations should be set' section of this document above, namely: • Find the Path environment variable by going to Control Panel → System → Advanced → Environment Variables button → System Variables section. • Add the full path to your local Notes client or Domino server's program directory. • Note that NotesSQL cannot handle spaces in the path. If your path to the notes.ini includes spaces, you will need to use a Windows shorthand format to avoid the space. So C: Program Files Lotus Notes would become C: PROGRA~1 Lotus Notes, C: PROGRA~2 Lotus Notes, or whichever specific path is appropriate for your environment. Game dynasty warrior gundam 2 untuk pc matic. • Search your system and eliminate any extraneous copies of notes.ini, if possible.