Ultraman Tiga: The Final Odyssey Action, Adventure, Fantasy Two years after the events of 'Ultraman Tiga', Daigo is forced to pick up another Dark Spark Lens in an attempt to stop three evils the once, dark Tiga worked with 30 million years ago, to stop destruction in Japan once and for all.
Plot Set two years after Tiga’s final battle, Daigo is approached by a mysterious woman, Kamila, who possessed a dark version of the Spark Lence. It is then revealed that more than 30,000,000 years ago, Tiga was originally evil in nature, part of a group of four that dominated Earth. The group consisted of Dark Tiga, the telepathic Kamila (gold patterns on silver skin), the powerful Dahram (red patterns on silver) and the speedy Hyudra (purple patterns on silver). One day, Tiga fell in love with a local human woman, and decided to convert from darkness to protect her from harm. Being the weakest of the four, Tiga quickly became a target of the group. However, unbeknownst to the group, the original “talentless” Tiga Dark possessed the ability to absorb powers from fallen enemies.
Test pdo lichko projti onlajn. As he eliminated each of the three dark members and sealed them away, he absorbed their powers which explains new Tiga’s color patterns (purple, red and gold lined with his original silver). Convinced by his ability to convert the last known Spark Lence to good, Daigo accepts the gift and becomes Tiga once again, survives his inner struggles and vanishes the darkness within. Soon after this, he marries Rena Yanase, fellow GUTS member and longtime love interest (Shin Asuka, Dyna’s eventual human host, also makes a cameo during the finale as a junior crew member, in a symbolic passing of the torch moment). Link Download: 810p x264: [] mirror []- Size 600 mb 810p x265: [] mirror []-Size 400 mb.
(link contains spoilers) is a movie set after the events in the Ultraman Tiga TV series. This movie is one of my personal favorites (Daigo and Rena make such a cute couple), so I hope you enjoy if you take it.:) Part 1: Part 2: Use whichever you like to combine the two parts.
Sorry, no other upload sites, since only Megaupload will let me resume upload (and with my connection cut for the upteemth times, I need the ability to resume), although I suppose this movie is probably not popular enough to be a worry. However, do feel free to direct any other question my way. • - 7 uses • - 33 uses • - 6 uses • - 6 uses • - 7 uses • - 23 uses • - 42 uses • - 16 uses • - 14 uses • - 14 uses • - 5 uses • - 5 uses • - 15 uses • - 5 uses • - 8 uses • - 7 uses • - 10 uses • - 21 uses • - 9 uses • - 9 uses • - 12 uses • - 6 uses • - 30 uses • - 11 uses • - 5 uses • - 18 uses • - 8 uses • - 9 uses • - 6 uses • - 12 uses • - 9 uses • - 33 uses • - 5 uses • - 5 uses • - 8 uses • - 5 uses • - 7 uses • - 44 uses • - 7 uses • - 11 uses • - 13 uses • - 10 uses • - 11 uses • - 11 uses • - 135 uses • - 25 uses • - 22 uses • - 16 uses • - 12 uses • - 11 uses.