Apart from the above-mentioned, the cadastral offices review and confirm geodetic reports developed for citizens by the natural persons or legal entities having consent of the State Geodetic Administration to perform professional geodetic works. The procedures conducted at cadastral offices are stipulated by the Law on State Survey and Real Property Cadastre (OG nos. The cadastral records are kept by State Geodetic Administration regional offices and Zagreb City Office for Cadastre and Geodetic Works. The cadastral offices provide to the citizens various services, of which the most important ones are the following: • issuing copies of cadastral maps • issuing transcriptions/extracts of possessory sheets • issuing extracts from the Land Database • issuing various certificates and confirmations which are based on recorded cadastral data. Zivs istochniki prava kratko. The offices that manage the cadastre are generally known as cadastral offices or simply the cadastre.
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