If you’ve been waiting for a multiplayer experience for The Sims 4, you can now download the Muliplayer Mod by thepancake1 to play the game with a friend! The Multiplayer Mod allows you to connect to a server with someone else so you can play together in the same save file at the same time!
So we all know that Sims can drink at a bar, but they can’t actually get drunk which is pretty disappointing so I decided to make my own mod that allows sims to get drunk off those bar drinks! For now, it’s a pretty simple mod consisting of 4 buffs which are “buzzed” which occurs right after the first drink. It’s a simple 1+ happy buff which lasts for 45 minutes. Then the “drunk” buff kicks in after the buzzed buff wears off.
The buff is a +10 dazed buff which has several effects such as increasing the energy and bladder needs decay and increasing the amount of friendship and romance gained from social interactions. Prikaz 033 mo rf po srokam hraneniya dokumentov code. Hitman pro trial reset. The “wasted” buff is also a 10+ dazed buff which has a chance of occurring if your sim keeps drinking while they have the drunk buff. It’s basically the same as the drunk buff but with the affected valued modified to a greater degree. The hungover buff which of course kicks in once the drunk buff wears off is a 10+ uncomfortable buff that lasts for 4 hours and increases energy decay while decreasing the hunger and social decay. Also, sims do have a small chance of not getting hungover and it’s also possible to get rid of the hangover by drinking more. (For now, this leads to no consequences but in the future, it definitely will.) Btw, your sims can’t overdose or become addicted but I do plan to implement that in the future. Until then, let your sims run as wild as they want with this limited edition of consequence-free alcohol!
П˜› And last but not least, here’s the list of modified XMLs!