Tech Tool News Version 2.7.30 Release – February 20, 2019, Version 2.7.25 Release – December 12, 2018, Vocom II Update news December, 2018 Updates to the Windows driver software (SW) and hardware device firmware (FW) for the Vocom II (88894000) have been released to address issues related to J1939 communication, operational performance and automatic update of Vocom II FW. These updates are found in Vocom II SW version “”. For new Vocom II devices and Tech Tool clients that have not been updated recently it is recommended that this be done asap.
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Tech Tool 2.7 includes the Vocom II version “” with updates being handled in the Tech Tool Client Update (CLUP). The Vocom II will be updated automatically from TT 2.7 forward.
Tech Tool 2.6 however requires that Vocom II SW version “” be installed manually to get fixes and enable future updates via CLUP. (available for download from the support page or Tech Tool 2.7 version is being sent out to all active Tech Tool users now. The distribution should be completed by the end of February, 2019. If you are having issues with Tech Tool or Vocom II operation please submit a concern report or contact the Help Desk. For assistance with expediting delivery of Tech Tool version 2.7 please call the Help Desk @ 877.978.6586. Updated Networking Requirements, to view. Vocom II is now available and is compatible with version 2.6.xx and newer.
For VOCOM II firmware and instructions. Support for PTT version 2.5 will end March 2019. Support for PTT version 2.04 has ended. ECU Emissions Programming The ECU programming for OBD2013 and newer emissions vehicles will include programming for the Engine ECM, Aftertreatment Control Module (ACM), Transmission ECU (TECU) and Vehicle ECU. We are required to provide access to program certain emissions related ECU’s under the Service Information Requirement law, step 2013.
Both the EPA and CARB require this. The following EPA software reprogramming requirement is described on page 8418 EPA OBD & SIR: 40 CFR Part 86.010-38.
OBD changes in 2016, License Agreement, to view. The February Premium Tech Tool frequently asked questions are now available for viewing. This document covers the most important need-to-know information about Premium Tech Tool. ***To view the February frequently asked questions,.
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For a summary of our top five most asked questions,. Tips of the Month: This release of Tech Tool 2.7 will include New features and Changes.
To name a few • The odometer (mileage) value of the connected product will now be shown in the Product Identification screen as well as recorded into Product History log. • Tech Tool will now automatically detect any VOCOM adapter connected via USB. • New version of VOCOM II firmware. • Tech Tool now has the ability to read and clear fault codes communicating on J1939 (Example: Bendix Fusion system). Note that all fault tracing for Bendix Fusion must be done using Bendix ACOM. Sometimes when connecting to a vehicle, Tech Tool shows the Climate unit (MID 146) as being offline; what can cause this? A common cause is a vehicle with Low Battery Voltage.
Some vehicles are equipped with a Low Voltage Disconnect (LVD) that can disconnect the power to certain circuits, like the climate unit. The correction is to check and charge the batteries. Low vehicle batteries can also cause an programming error code 207 “Could not set broadcast state for all nodes”. To learn more about the LVD, read the LVD Description, Design and Function found in Impact. For more information about new features and changes, please visit our website or What’s newand the Help file under the Help Menu within the Tech Tool Application.
When logging into Premium Tech Tool, if you receive a “Login Failure” message, please utilize Chat. Supported Chat Login Failure Error Messages “Your user ID is unknown or you have entered the wrong password. Please try again.” “Your user account is locked. Please contact local support for assistance.” Note Password Requirements: • The preferred password cannot be among the last 7 used for your account. • A Password requires that you have at least 8 characters. Vikrojka muzhskogo kartuza. • The Premium Tech Tool password expires every 180 days.