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• As determined by the, which the Constitutional court of Moldova found to take precedence over Article 13 of the, which uses the name '. • Date of proclamation. Independence subsequently finalized with the in December 1991.
Moldova ( ( ), sometimes: ), officially the Republic of Moldova (: Republica Moldova), is a country in, bordered by to the west and to the north, east, and south. The capital city is. Most of the Moldovan territory was a part of the from the 14th century until 1812, when it was to the by the (to which Moldavia was a ) and became known as. In 1856, southern Bessarabia was returned to Moldavia, which three years later united with to form, but Russian rule was restored over the whole of the region in 1878.
During the 1917, Bessarabia briefly became autonomous and then the independent until it was integrated into in 1918 following a vote of its assembly. The decision was disputed by, which in 1924 allowed the establishment, within the, of a (MASSR) on partial Moldovan-inhabited territories to the east of the. In 1940, as a consequence of the, Romania was compelled to cede Bessarabia to the, leading to the creation of the (Moldavian SSR), which included the greater part of Bessarabia and the westernmost strip of the former MASSR. On 27 August 1991, as the was under way, the Moldavian SSR and took the name Moldova. The was adopted in 1994. The strip of the Moldovan territory on the east bank of the Dniester river has been under the control of the breakaway government of since 1990.
Due to a decrease in industrial and agricultural output following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the has grown to dominate and is over 60% of the nation's. Its economy is the poorest in Europe in per capita terms and has the lowest in the continent. Moldova is also the least visited country in Europe by tourists with only 11,000 annually recorded visitors from abroad.
Moldova is a with a as and a as. It is a member state of the, the, the, the, the, the and the and aspires to join the. Main article: The name 'Moldova' is derived from the; the valley of this river served as a political centre at the time of the of the in 1359. The origin of the name of the river remains unclear.
According to a legend recounted by Moldavian chroniclers and, Prince named the river after hunting an: following the chase, the prince's exhausted hound Molda drowned in the river. The dog's name, given to the river, extended to the Principality. For a short time in the 1990s, at the founding of the, the name of the current Republic of Moldova was also spelled 'Moldavia'. After the, the country began to use the Romanian name, Moldova. Officially, the name Republic of Moldova is designated by the. The prehistory of Moldova covers the period from the which begins with the presence of in the area of some 44,000 years ago and extends into the appearance of the first written records in in. Anisjutkin discovered flint tools at Bayraki that are 800,000–1.2 million years old. Diamond twister kod razblokirovki.