Sep 15, 2015 - Please post software for parallal port spi flash tiny tools. For 25 series spi flash eeprom programming.
Macronix's 128 Mbit 133 MHz Flash Memory using SPI to communicate with your microcontroller. The boards are designed to mount directly onto a Teensy 3.X or development board and are of such small size that they won't interfere with other add-ons like battery chargers or motion sensors or IO ports like the I2C port (e.g., on pins 16/17 of the Teensy 3.2). Aaron Ryan has created some very nice CAD models of this add-on, see. The 3V3-only boards have a 100 nF bypass capacitor to reduce high-frequency noise and 100K pullups on the CS lines to reduce chip select. There are several existing which make using these chips very easy! Is a primer on SPI in general.
These are very fast chips. They take about 400/800 microseconds to write/read a 256-byte page and 44 seconds to erase the entire chip. The read/write time is between 10 and 20 times faster than EEPROM. I recently switched from the Spansion flash to the Macronix because the latter use much lower power; the MX25L12835FZNI has a deep power down mode which uses just 2 uA! Why did you make it? Everyone understands the need for compact data logging solutions.
SD Cards are fine if you have the space, power, and it doesn't cause problems with other peripherals. This isn't always the case. I started with, which are very low power and super easy to use, but they only provide at most 512 kBytes of data storage.
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This is enough for several minutes of motion sensor data logging, but there are many applications where this isn't enough. These SPI Flash memory chips increase the available storage by orders of magnitude. If 512 kByte of EEPROM can log a 100 Hz data stream for five minutes, the 128 Mbit flash can do so for 20 hours, the 1 Gbit flash for about a week. That's a lot of data! What makes it special? These are appallingly small boards that are designed to be soldered directly to your Teensy for fast and deep data logging applications. They can be used standalone on a breadboard also, but mounted on your Teensy is where they shine enabling low-power, fast, and portable data logging for many applications.
Order from OSH Park and assemble some of your own, or order the fully assembled and tested board from me and see what you can do with too much memory! I can't comment on how this works yet, there are many parts to my project and it being my first it is taking me some time to code other parts before I incorporate this piece. What I can say is that it was very easy to solder even for a beginner like me. I believe a large part of this is the high quality construction. It is as the maker states 'appallingly small' making it very easy to fit into the tiny space available in my project. Delivery to the UK was very cheap and fast and I will definitely look here first if I need anything more, I will update once I have the code in place.
If you are simply looking for a way to program the Winbond SPI flash with 'pre-loaded' data that your microcontroller would read for use when it is running then what you will want to look into is a programmer that can do in-circuit programming of the SPI Flash chip. This also known as in-system-programming (ISP). One choice is the. This USB connected device can program in circuit if you design your board correctly. They even sell an adapter clip that can attach into the SOW-16 package without having to design in a separate programming header on your board. DediProg has application information bulletins available to help with correct design for in circuit use.
The main strategy for the design is to find a simple way to isolate the SPI interface drivers in your MCU system so that they do not interfere with the drivers in the SPI programming pod. The simplest way to do this is to put series resistors in the MCU driven lines between the MCU and the SPI Flash. The programmer would connect on the SPI flash side of the series resistors. Alternate methods could include adding a MUX or analog switches in the driven interface lines.
An even more clever scheme is to add a 'programming enable' input to the MCU that makes the software disconnect all the SPI I/Os from the SPI Flash chip (i.e. Make all those GPIOs as inputs). A second choice to also consider is. The Presto is able to do various types of SPI and I 2C devices including SPI Flash devices. I have one of these devices specifically for programming Atmel MCUs and various types of SPI Flash devices.