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Sequels get worse over time. That is a common knowledge. When you go to see a sequel of a sequel of a sequel of a. Well, as a rule, you know what to expect. The problem with this certain movie is that it is below even such expectations. A story too simple for the full length animated movie.
Same old characters (with the only addition of Grandpa Frost and couple more personalities). No real development.
A story that happened at a New Year night, all in itself. It feels like.
Playground blocks. – 3D gazebos, pergolas and fountains. – a 3D open-air amphitheatre – 3d trees – 3D pedestrian walkways and bridges. For use with DWG viewers and AutoCad version 2004 or later.
You know, It feels like a Christmas story. An amateur play of a Christmas story like the one you could see at school, with your children on a stage. Only you won't see your children in this one.
And no Christmas, too. Or maybe you could remember an amateurish play done by paid actors at your son's 10-th birthday. This is not worth a cinema ticket unless you love these very characters so much. There's nothing in it beyond dozen familiar personalities doing same old stuff. And maybe a couple of stale-old jokes and gags.