Pirates Of The Caribbean Theme • You should be able to play this song in less than a week, if you can't, please play songs from • Welcome to the level 4 of the California Music Conservatory and Easy Music School system of learning. Now that you are here, you will see that the music sounds nicer in the piano, more complete and full. Now you have full chords in the left hand, and you have more variety of chords. You have to learn many chords here. Don't try to learn all the chords at once, it will be too much. Just get one song that you like and play it. Learn the chords in that song and that's it.
Pirates Of The Caribbean Theme. You should be able to play this song in less than a week, if you can't, please play songs from level 3; Welcome to the level 4 of the California Music Conservatory and Easy Music School system of learning. Now that you are here, you will see that the music sounds nicer in the piano, more complete and full.
After that you get another song and another. That's how you learn. • The best way to learn this song, or any other song, is to watch the video at least 10 times, if it is necessary, please watch the video more times, until you feel that you understand the song, and you are familiar with the tune. Concentrate on the movement of the keys on the piano first and then look at the actual notes on the staff, feel the music and try to sing along with it.
Once you start to play the song, feel free to come back to watch the video more times. First see the chords in the left hand, than play the melody. • Once you are familiar with the song, and how it sounds, then print the music score PDF below. • Now, with the actual music sheet on your hands, play the video a few more times and put your eyes on the paper, and read along with the music. Remember, you read music FROM BOTTOM TO TOP.
Listen to the song while looking at the music sheet. Now that you have two hands, and full chords, it's very important to understand how to study better.
• Count the measures in the song, the same as you did it in level 2 and level 3. All songs in level 4, now they have full chords and longer melody. The right hand plays the melody, and the left hand plays the chords. You see the letter that tells you the name of the chord. Ebook css bahasa indonesia lengkap pengeluaran. C is Do-Mi-Sol, F is Fa-La-Do, G is Sol-Si-Re, like that. • FIRST: PLAY THE LEFT HAND (CHORDS).
Read the notes on the left hand. Naslagwerk elektriciteit pdf to jpg. If you can not read the bass clef good enough, watch the video so you can see where you have to play the notes. • SECOND: PLAY THE RIGHT HAND (MELODY). Then play the melody with the right hand. Because you are playing songs from this level, you should read the notes a little bit faster, with the right hand by it self.
So playing the melody should be easy. • THIRD: Start playing two hands at the same time. Remember you have to read from bottom to top. Each day you have to learn so many measures, or a part of the song. DON'T LOOK AT THE WHOLE SONG, IT WILL BE TOO MUCH. • Play only 2 or 3 measures or any part of the song for that day, think of it, as the complete song.
Play it over and over and practice until you can play those few measures. If you get tire of practicing, take a break, and then come back to keep doing it. • Once you can play those measures without mistakes at least 5 to 10 times. Then relax, and the next day do the same, with the next few measures. If you practice like that steady and constantly everyday, you will learn to play the song, and you will be able to play the piano much better • Keep playing some of the songs you already know from level 1, 2 or 3, so you don't forget those songs.