Urdu Website Dedicated for the Promotion of Urdu Computerization This is a collection of free Urdu tools from Internet. Follow these 3 steps to make your computer Urdu compatible. Step 1: After installing this font you can read Urdu in Nastaleeq font on many popular Urdu websites e.g. Step 2: After installing Urdu keyboard on Windows ® computer you can type Urdu Unicode text in programs like Microsoft ® Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc. You can also send and receive emails in Urdu from almost all email providers. This keyboard is specially designed to use your existing keyboard with English keys to type Urdu.
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Step 3: After this step your windows computer will support right-to-left typing of Urdu. This step is not required for Windows Vista. Online Tools and Tutorials • • • How to import Unicode Urdu text into InPage?
Free alternatives to Inpage to Unicode converter 10.2 for Windows. A document and word processing software developed by Microsoft. Full Version In English.
• How to type and print Urdu? How to email in Urdu? (coming soon).