HelpStudio 3.5 Development software developed by Innovasys. The license of this development software is demo$, the price is 593.00, you can free download and get a free trial before you buy a registration or license. Do not use illegal warez version, crack, serial numbers, registration codes, pirate key for this development software HelpStudio. Generate professional, accurate and up to date reference documentation for.NET and Silverlight Assemblies, COM Components and Type Libraries, Web.
X is a combination of an automated documentation tool and a full authoring environment which can be used to create, publish and maintain accurate, professional quality documentation for.NET, Web Services, Databases, XSD Schemas, COM Components and Type Libraries, Java and Javascript. X is not just an automated documentation build tool - it includes a fully featured documentation authoring environment allowing you to supplement the automatically generated content where required. Document The Whole Solution Document! X supports a wide variety of solution elements. One consistent, customizable and comprehensive toolset for all of your technical documentation requirements.

Compiled COM Components, Controls or Type Libraries Why Use Document! Developing accurate documentation, particularly for complex components or database schemas, has traditionally been a time consuming, costly and skills intensive task.
Documentation during development can be seen as a moving target and at the end of a project developers are often immediately re-assigned to new development tasks, which can leave most projects poorly documented. With Document! X, documentation can be automatically produced throughout design and development without requiring investment of developer resources, providing development teams with an accurate and up to date reference and allowing new developers to jump the learning curve of new components and schemas.
American pie 2 in hindi free download hd. X makes producing documentation a natural and productive activity for developers and technical writers alike. HelpStudio is the fastest, easiest way to create and publish procedures, documentation and help systems and integrate them with your desktop, web or mobile applications or components.
Generate output in cross-platform Browser Help, automatically responsive for tablet and mobile, HTML Help (CHM), Help 2.x, Microsoft Help Viewer (the Visual Studio Help Format) or printable PDF. Built in localization support means that you can take your help system to a global audience if required.
Author and Collaborate HelpStudio seamlessly combines a feature packed WYSIWYG authoring environment, Html based layout templates and customizable Content Widgets to make it simple to create and localize consistent, professional looking help systems with the minimum of effort. No dependencies on Word or other editors and integrates with Source Control for Team Working and Collaboration.