Did you download and install the Windows 10 drivers on the Huawei E3372 site. It is not E3372h though. It is not E3372h though. Click on the Support link and then Update. Support for LTE category 4, this pocket wifi dongle E3372 allows you to enjoy faster Wi-Fi download rates, up to an incredible 150 Mbps. And it has the capability to provide a near infinite number of IP addresses.

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I have tried few times acutally on mulitple systems to connect via 4g usb dongle Huawei e3372, but i was not able to. Tired on builds 10130 only, but same result. Software recognized properly, companion app and drivers seem to be installed ok, but when pressed dial to connect to mobile netowrk all i get is a timeout message to try again. Auto kaufvertrag polnisch deutsch pdf merger. Issue present only on windows 10 preview, windows 7 and 8.1 works flawlessly. Systems tried on: Dell Latitude e7450, Dell Latitude e6520, Hp Pavilion dv6 3180ec, - windows 10 preview - on Hp on windows 8.1 works ok, as well as other win7 systems.