After installation, open PicSay Pro and in the Title Editor tap the Preview or press the Menu button and choose Font. See second screenshot abov. Toggle navigation AFD App Apk Free Download AFD. Download photo editor pro Latest Version 1.0 for Android. Photo Editor is a powerful photo editor for you to create amazing photos. Download APK Similar Or Related.
Full Specifications What's new in version 1.8.28 V1.9.8: a small fix V1.9.7: support 'Decode All Files' (previous versions only decode partial files) V1.9.6: updated about dialog V1.9.5: upgraded depended components V1.9.4: a minor fix V1.9.3: bugs fix (font, mipmap, etc) V1.9.2: fix for android 8.1 add context menu for app list V1.9.1: added image downloader V1.9.0: REMOVED many features V1.8.26: java code support (click 'Java Code' in the editor) updated android.jar, sign fix for Android 4.2, removed 'Make it as a plugin', etc. General Publisher Publisher web site Release Date November 10, 2018 Date Added November 10, 2018 Version 1.8.28 Category Category Subcategory Operating Systems Operating Systems Android Additional Requirements None Download Information File Size Not Available File Name External File Popularity Total Downloads 1,467 Downloads Last Week 3 Pricing License Model Purchase Limitations Not available Price $4.99.
Android 8.0 (API level 26) and Android Support Library 26 introduce support for APIs to request fonts from a provider application instead of bundling files into the APK or letting the APK download fonts. The feature is available on devices running Android API versions 14 and higher through the Support Library 26. The Downloadable Fonts feature offers the following benefits: • Reduces the APK size • Increases the app installation success rate • Improves the overall system health as multiple APKs can share the same font through a provider. This saves users cellular data, phone memory, and disk space. In this model, the font is fetched over the network when needed. Refer to the following related resources: • How does Downloadable Fonts work? A font provider is an application that retrieves fonts and caches them locally so other apps can request and share fonts.
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Figure 1 illustrates the process. Downloadable Fonts process The basics You can use the Downloadable Fonts feature in the following ways: • • • Using Downloadable Fonts via Android Studio and Google Play services You can set your application to download fonts by using Android Studio 3.0 or higher. To help you get started with the Downloadable Fonts features, you can use the font provider from Google Play services. Note: A device must have Google Play services version 11 or higher to use the Google Fonts provider. • In the Layout Editor, select a TextView, and then under Properties, select fontFamily > More Fonts. Using Layout editor The Resources window appears.
• In the Source drop-down list, select Google Fonts. • In the Fonts box, select a font. • Select Create downloadable font and click OK.
Note: To bundle the font in your app, select Add font to project. Selecting font from the Resources window Android Studio automatically generates the relevant XML files that are needed to render the font correctly in your app. Previewing font file Using Downloadable Fonts programmatically Prior to Android 8.0 (API level 26), the Support Library 26.0 provides full support for Downloadable Fonts. For more information about using the support library, go to the Downloadable Fonts support library section.
To use the Downloadable Fonts feature programmatically, you need to interact with two key classes: • android.graphics.fonts.FontRequest: This class lets you create a font request. •: This class lets you create a new object based on the font request. Your app retrieves fonts from the font provider by using the API. Each provider has its own set of restrictions on the Android versions and query language it supports.
For more information on the Android versions and query format, refer to your provider’s documentation. To download a font, perform the following steps: • Create an instance of the android.graphics.fonts.FontRequest class to request the font from the provider. To create a request, pass the following parameters: • The font provider authority • The font provider package to verify the identity of the provider • The string query of the font. For more information about query formats, see your font provider's documentation, such as.
• A list of sets of hashes for the certificates to verify the identity of the provider. Note: There is no need to add a certificate if you request fonts from pre-installed providers. However, you must always provide a certificate if you request fonts through the support library. Kotlin val request = FontRequest( 'com.example.fontprovider.authority', 'com.example.fontprovider', 'my font', certs ) Java FontRequest request = new FontRequest('com.example.fontprovider', 'com.example.fontprovider', 'my font', certs); Note: You can receive the parameter values from your font provider. Android Studio automatically populates these values for the providers it supports in its UI. • Create an instance of the class. • Override the method to indicate the font request is complete.