пятница 26 апреляadmin

I have set reference to my Access app with MSCOMM32.ocx. I try to set an object where I can use that to read the proporties, etc. Question is how to I use VBA code to set the object. Kindly advsie. Information: This excel/VBA program was written in Microsoft office Excel 2003. You need a serial-port-to-USB cable. If it does not open, it will probably prompt you for additional *.ocx files (COMCTL32.ocx, MSComm32.ocx, for example).

Can anyone help with communicating to a COM port through Excel (on a machine that does not also have Visual Basic installed)? I've tried downloading MSCOMM -- Excel recognizes the reference to MSComm32.ocx, but I get an error when trying to use it ('Run-time error '429': ActiveX component can't create object' ). These are the lines of code that create the error (omitting the remainder of the subroutine). The line 'Set CPort.' Is what causes the error to pop up: Sub ComPortTesting() Dim CPort As MSComm Set CPort = New MSComm.

This is really a two part question: (1) Can this be done using MSComm? (Or is there some basic problem like a licensing/registry issue) AND (2) Is there another way to communicate with the Com port using Excel that doesn't require MSComm? --Jason RE: Excel Com port communication (Programmer) 28 May 03 10:57. Playing with MSCOMM is definitely not for the fainthearted.

I use a simple solution called Cheapcom which is as far as I am aware Freeware. It has an installer that installs the DLL and a simple set of commands for performing the various COM operations.

I have written a standard Excel book that contains a sheet with all the settings, Baud, Parity, etc., and I just tailor this to suit the application that I am writing. It is possible to use any Serial Com Port with both ASCII and Hexadecimal. I quote from the Cheapcom help file. *********************************************************** CheapComm was written to permit Visual Basic, Excel, and VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) users to use the Photon Technology International (PTI) serial port devices without requiring purchase of the professional version of Visual Basic (that comes with MSCOMM32, a decent serial port OCX), or an expensive serial port DLL that provides many more features than the SIDs require. This control has also been used with to control other serial port devices. This control can be used with any language that works with OLE controls (OCX controls).

CheapComm is a means of using the serial port for instrument control. It is NOT meant for very sophisticated serial port operations. To this end, CheapComm only exposes the most basic operations of the serial port.

It will send or receive ASCII or binary information, configures the port for basic communications, and clears the port buffers, and that’s it! The command set can be summarized in only a few lines: OpenCommPort(Serial_Port as String, Serial_Frame as String) as Boolean CloseCommPort() GetNumBytes() as Integer GetStringData(Buffer as String, Numchars as Integer) as Integer GetBinaryData(Buffer as Byte array, Numbytes as Integer) as Integer SendStringData(Buffer as String) as Integer SendBinaryData(Buffer as Byte array) as Integer SendSubArray(Buffer as Byte array, NumBytes as Integer) as Integer ClearCommPort() That’s all the functionality this control provides, but these few procedures can do a lot. For example, a timer can be used to poll the serial port using GetNumBytes(). When the number of bytes reaches a certain value, the data can be removed from the serial port. ***************************************************** For more info give me an E-mail address and I will send a sample application.

Richard Richard RE: Excel Com port communication (TechnicalUser). A pleasure Malforge, I once started down the MSCOMM route and found it quite beyond me! I think if you are a professional programmer then it certainly offers everything that you ever could require. My trouble was that I never got going! I only wanted to send an ASCII string of four characters to Com 1 and see what came back, but was immediately lost in the technicalities.

If it is any use to you, I have written applications that use both ASCII and HEX, and have made my own routines for converting between DECIMAL, HEX, and ASCII as well as a converter for floating decimal. Regards, Richard RE: Excel Com port communication (TechnicalUser) 4 May 04 12:57. In the meantime I have progressed somewhat with my programming and can now use a variety of dlls and ocxs including MSCOMM. Cheapcom is brilliant if you just want to do what they offer in the text I posted above.

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