Ex4 Decompiler V10 is our new highly reverse engineering tool, this software uses code optimization and compression to successfully decompile all new.
In this article, we explain what the decompiling process is, as well as in what cases it can be useful. If you want to know more about the process of decompilation then you should read the full article. Feel free to send us an email to info@barmenteros.com if you have any question. Note: Most of the concepts discussed in this article are known by those who are dedicated to programming. So if you are a programmer but want more details about the specific case of MT4 decompilation, you might prefer to go directly to the last sections. Contents What is decompile or decompiling process? Sbornik zadachi po fizike 9 klass isachenkova paljchik dorofejchik otveti.
Basically, decompiling is obtaining the source code of an executable program. This definition would be enough for a programmer. For people without basic programming skills, it is necessary to explain more in depth.

The source code is what the programmer has written. That is, it is those lines of characters (sometimes ordered) that the programmer shows you, and that you can not understand, even if you nod your head. Instead, the executable file is what the computer understands. This file is obtained by compiling the source code. This is necessary because the computer does not “speak” the same language as humans. So we could say that, when compiling, we make a kind of “translation” of what the programmer has written to what the computer understands.
In summary, compiling is “translating” the code written by the programmer (source code) into a language that is comprehensible by the computer (executable file). Likewise, decompile would be the inverse process. That is, obtain the code written by the programmer (source) from the program used by the computer (executable). Source code and executable file in In the specific case of MT4, there are two file formats: ‘.ex4’ for the executable files (e.g., ‘Accelerator.ex4’) and ‘.mq4’ (e.g., ‘Accelerator.mq4’) for the source code.
These are the types of files that are usually stored in the corresponding folders of the MT4 platform. However, the MT4 platform only uses the executable files, so that only these files are necessary to use an EA, an indicator or any other MT4 program.
The source code is only used by a programmer to make corrections, adjustments, modifications or improvements in the MT4 program. EX4 files are primarily based on: • proprietary protection system based on bytecode of; • encryption of all data blocks and special obfuscation methods aimed against hackers; • additional protection against reversing and cracking with VM Protect (The MQL4 programming language permits making complete applications which may be passed, sold and leased. Each such associate application has the EX4 file extension and is protected against decompilation using special software protection system. The following restrictions apply to such files: modification, disassembly and decompilation of EX4 files. The above-mentioned protection system is a standalone application exclusive rights to which belong to MetaQuotes Software Corp. Having said that, we urge you to respect the aforementioned rights, as well as intellectual property and copyrights.