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Quality Insights for Current Income and Income Growth from Stocks Morningstar DividendInvestor is a newsletter illustrating portfolios Morningstar, Inc. Has that are invested in accordance with a dividend select strategy.
That strategy strives to generate portfolio yields of 3% - 5% from stocks by targeting economically advantaged companies that consistently raise their dividends and grow fast enough to keep ahead of inflation. Stock prices will fluctuate over time; therefore, the dividend select strategy tries to minimize permanent losses of income and capital by focusing on dividend sustainability and margins of safety when purchasing stocks. Monthly Issues In each issue you'll get commentary on current events that are relevant to a dividend select strategy and data, statistics and research published by Morningstar, Inc. Plus, in-depth editorial on income-producing industries, a roundup of significant dividend actions, and a list of securities of which their dividends are most likely to be cut or eliminated. Our Strategy in Action Each DividendInvestor newsletter reflects Morningstar, Inc.'
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S activity in portfolios it has that are invested in accordance with a dividend select strategy. Free Investing Reports Two investment supplements are provided to help you make the most of your subscription. The Morningstar Guide to Dividend Investing is a tested and refined approach to help you discover how dividends can help you earn real returns that are paid in cash. The DividendInvestor Subscriber's Manual describes the dividend select strategy in detail including ways to identify high quality stocks that tend to pay large, reliable, and growing cash dividends. DividendInvestor Online Access to Morningstar DividendInvestor's companion Web site, where you can download the current issue before it arrives in your mailbox.
You can also access running intra-issue commentary and manage your email alerts. E-mail Alerts When a change occurs in either of Morningstar, Inc.’s Dividend Select Portfolios, you can sign-up to receive an email alert. Additionally, you can sign up for intra-issue commentary on current events that are relevant to a dividend select strategy and data, statistics and research published by Morningstar, Inc. Download a Free Issue Get a sneak peek of Morningstar DividendInvestor. Morningstar DividendInvestor for iPad Access Morningstar, Inc.'
S approach to dividend investing from anywhere with Morningstar DividendInvestor for iPad. Our app is designed to help investors research high-quality stocks that tend to pay large, reliable, and growing cash dividends by providing current data, trade notifications, and news regarding the holdings in Morningstar, Inc.' S Dividend Select Portfolios, all wrapped in an easy-to-use touch interface.