пятница 15 мартаadmin

At Szczakowa district. In the middle of the nineteenth century the authorities of Rzplita Krakowska planned to build a railway line towards Silesia. Hardware SLA. I3D.net offers various SLA services for your hardware, in case a higher support level is required to support your business' uninterrupted.

Configuration Example: HSRP on L3 Switch 105 DLS2(config-if)# exit Moves to global configuration mode. DLS2(config)#interface vlan 30 Moves to interface configuration mode. DLS2(config-if)# standby 30 ip Activates HSRP group 30 on the interface and creates a virtual IP address of for use in HSRP. DLS2(config-if)#standby30 priority Assigns a priority value of 105 to 105 standby group 30. DLS2(config-if)#standby30 preempt Preempts, or takes control of, VLAN 30 forwarding if the local priority is higher than the active switch VLAN 30 priority. DLS2(config-if)# standby 30 track HSRP tracks the availability of fastEthernet 0/1 20 interface FastEthernet 0/1. If FastEthernet 0/1 goes down, the priority of the switch in group 30 is decremented by 20.

DLS2(config-if)# standby 30 track HSRP tracks the availability of fastEthernet 0/2 interface FastEthernet 0/2. If FastEthernet 0/2 goes down, the priority of the switch in group 30 is decremented by the default value of 10.

DLS2(config-if)# exit Moves to global configuration mode. IP SLA Tracking—Switch DLS1 VLAN 10 DLS1(config)# ip sla 10 Creates SLA process 10. DLS1(config-ip-sla)# icmp-echo Configures the SLA as an ICMP Echo operation to destination DLS1(config-ip-sla-echo)# exit Exits SLA configuration mode. DLS1(config)#ip sla schedule 10 Configures the scheduling for SLA 10 start-timenow life forever process to start now and continue indefinitely. Crack serial keygen. Zadachi po geometrii na gotovih chertezhah 8 klasse. DLS1(config)#track 90 ip sla 10 state Creates an object, 90, to track the state of SLA process 10. 106 Configuration Example: GLBP DLS1(config-track)# exit Moves to global configuration mode.

DLS1(config)#interface vlan 10 Moves to interface configuration mode. DLS1(config-if)#standby10 track 90 Tracks the state of object 90 and decrement 20 decrements the device priority by 20 if the object fails. DLS1(config-if)# exit Moves to global configuration mode.

Configuration Example: GLBP Figure 6-3shows the network topology for the configuration that follows, which shows how to configure GLBP using commands covered in this chapter. Note that the example shows only the commands specific to GLBP. NOTE: The Gateway Load Balancing Protocol (GLBP) is not supported on the Catalyst 3750-E,3750, 3560, or 3550 platforms. GLBP is supported on the Catalyst 4500 and Catalyst 6500 platforms.

Figure 6-3Network Topology for GLBP Configuration Example ISP Border1 Border2 Fa1/0/7 Fa1/0/8 DLS1 fa1/0/5 fa1/0/6 DLS2 C6509 fa1/0/3 fa1/0/2 C6509 Fa1/0/1 Fa1/0/4 Interface Address Interface Address VLAN 10 VLAN 10 VLAN 20 VLAN 20 fa0/1 fa0/4 ALS1 fa0/2 fa0/3 ALS2 VLAN 10 VLAN 20. Configuration Example: GLBP 107 DLS1 and DLS2 belong to GLBP groups 10 and 20. DLS1 is the AVG for GLBP group 10 and backup for GLBP group 20. DLS2 is the AVG for GLBP group 20 and backup for GLBP group 10. DLS1 and DLS2 are responsible for the virtual IP address on VLAN 10 and on VLAN 20. DLS1 DLS1(config)#track 90 interface Configures tracking object 90 to monitor fastethernet 1/0/7 line -protocol the line-protocolon interface fastEthernet 1/0/7.