Installation & Commissioning of BTS Equipment Scope of work: • Receipt of site information from customer along with TND/RND • RFI check along with ensuring the site permissions • Material reception at the sites and checking as per packing list.
“EVOLIUM BTS A9100” (Alcatel technology) Manufactured. OMC SMS Um Abis A MS Mobile Station. BTS Base Transceiver Station. Quality of BTS.(as per Alcatel. Alcatel Lucent BTS Offline Commissioning - Download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt /.pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online.
Bts commissioning • 1. Bts commissioning (alcatel lucent)Presentation Transcript 1.
Switch OFF the BTS cabinet and disconnect Abis connectors fromDDF before offline start 2. Disconnect the Abis connectorfrom The DDF 3. Switch ON the BTS cabinet breakers and connect the Laptop with BTS 4. User Name “COMMTE” Password“COMMTE” 5. Communication Port setting 6. After connecting this windowwill be appear 8. Go toConfiguration-> BTS-SW Download-> to download BTS software 9. The dumb waiter harold pinter pdf download.
After BTS- SW downloadthis window will appear 10. Go to offlineFiles and select First File of Master File. Go to offlineFiles and select First File of DDL file. Click ok to startdownloading SW 13. BTS software starts to download. All these Files aredownloaded 15. Go toConfiguration BTScommissioning 16.
Click startcommissioning 17. Edit Qmux Address 18. Edit sector Mapping 19. Check AllTwin TRE’s. Click EndCommissioning Click > Hardware setting>>BeginHW modification 27. Go to configuration> BTS commissioning Go to start commissioning> Edit Q1Address, Edit SectorMapping and Twin TRA setting as in offline. Go toconfiguration> Hardware setting>“EndModification” to end onlinecommissioning 29.
Online commissioning steps Connect the Abis connector at DDF by verifying Tx/Rx cable properly. OML will be established after primary Abis has connected to DDF. Give hard reset to BTS after OML has established.
Put site on Downloading from OMC. O&M will be established as downloading completes. Connect Laptop to BTS MMI port. Go to configuration>Hardware setting>Begin Hardware modification.
Online commissioning steps Go to configuration>BTS commissioning>start commissioning. Edit Qmux Address Edit sector mapping Check all Twin TRA setting.
Click end commissioning and shift all modules from selected modules to available modules. Go to configuration>Hardware setting>End Hardware modification. Click “yes” when an automatically hardware modification window appears.
Hw Audit will be run and all Hardware will be shown after sometime. ON Line Commissioning Completed Successfully. Software components combiner Fan UnitHardwareShown insoftware windowTre’s clock Alarm card33. Transceivers Shown in window35. Transceivers Types Four type of Transceivers in Alcatel EquipmentTRAGE>Gsm Single TRE TRADE>Dcs single TRE TGT09>Gsm Twin TRETGT18>DCS Twin TRE TAGHE>High power TRE36. VSWRShown in window37. Sectors ShownIn window38.